2/3 Fun With Math
Welcome to all my money-counting, time-telling students!
I am excited to keep learning with you all about money and time. Each week I will be posting a video lesson that will follow our syllabus and cover that week's topic. Be sure to have your class folder with you, so we can work together.
Week #1 : March 24 - 27
Summary and Instructions
This week we will review money in our Money Problems book and continue learning how to tell time to the quarter hour. We will also start working on making our clocks, so be sure to have your green or blue folders with you before you watch the lesson.
Video Link
Other materials
Hip Hop Around the Clock Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65_c1CpfTjU
Learn How to Tell Time Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RJzoyIVzV8
Complete the Time To Make a Match III worksheet in your yellow homework folder.
Week #2 : March 30 - April 3
Summary and Instructions
This week we will review money in our Money Problems book and continue learning how to tell time to the five minutes and calculate elapsed time. We will also continue working on making our clocks, so be sure to have your green or blue folders with you before you watch the lesson.
Video Link
Other Materials
Counting Money Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbtmucV-U2c
Telling Time to the 5 minute Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6RNkQ7lU8Y
This week your homework is to complete the Time to the 5 Minute worksheet in your yellow folder.
Week #3 : April 6 - April 13
Summary and Instructions
This week we will review money in our Money Problems book and continue learning how to tell time to one minute. Then we will play "Around the House With Mrs. Frederick" to practice elapsed time. We will also finish making our clocks, so be sure to have your green or blue folders, scissors, and glue with you before you watch the lesson.
Video Link
NOTE: The activity at the end of this video, Elapsed Time: Around the House With Mrs. Frederick, will take time to complete. Please feel free to do the activity a little at a time and divide it up over several days this week.
This link will allow you to view the lesson for week 3: https://youtu.be/EPBwuRd17z4
Other Materials
This week we will be putting together our clocks so you will needle, scissors, the brad provided in your folder, and a parents help to punch holes.
This week your homework is to complete the Time by the Minute worksheet in your take home packet.
Week #4 : April 13 - April 17
Summary and Instructions
This week we will review money in our Money Problems book and continue learning how to figure out elapsed time, particularly in word problems.
Video Link
Other Materials
This week your homework is to complete the Time for Word Problems worksheet in your yellow homework folder.
Week #5 : April 20 - April 25
Summary and Instructions
This week we review time and learn how to play Boom Cards.
This link will allow you to view the lesson for week 5: https://youtu.be/2_xTWlftmBs
After watching the video please click the links below to play the Boom Card games:
(These links will expire on May 4th)
Telling Time Review Game: https://boom.cards/fastplay/yagvn
Counting Coins Review Game: https://boom.cards/fastplay/yidj
Counting Money Review Game: https://boom.cards/fastplay/imf3
Video Link
This week your homework is to complete the Time to Catch the Bus worksheet in your yellow homework folder.
Week #6 : April 27 - May 1
Summary and Instructions
Video Link
This week we will celebrate the end of the semester with our Quarantine Lunch!!! Please be sure to read the email sent on 4/26 for instructions on how to prepare BEFORE your child watches the video.
Week 6 Recorded Lesson: https://youtu.be/-iscH_DdEvY
Other Materials
Printable Menu Template: