Semester classes will be offered in Cameron Park and Placerville.
Tuesdays: Cameron Park
Thursdays: Placerville
Fridays: Cameron Park
TUESDAYS - Church of the Foothills, 2380 Merrychase Drive, Cameron Park, CA 95682
Fun With Math (2nd-3rd) 9am-10am
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Fall focus will be on place value to thousands, including adding and subtracting with regrouping. Students will explore place value through engaging, hands-on, and higher-level thinking activities. We will build on their previous place value knowledge and move into regrouping, estimation, recording, problem solving, and addition and subtraction into the thousands.
2/3 Write On! ELA (2nd-3rd) 10am-11am
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
This semester we will be taking a trip around the world (without ever leaving the classroom)! We will be visiting six different countries and learning all about their language, animals, culture, and people. The plan is to spend two weeks in each country, learning essential vocabulary, reading informational text and cultural stories, and writing about each country we visit. We will focus on building interesting sentences, paragraphs, word choice, and practicing friendly letter format.
Elementary Write On! (grades 4-6) 11:30am-12:30pm
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Fall semester students will be creating and writing fables. Our focus will be on the five stages of the writing process as we explore plot structure, character development, dialogue, organization, and theme. Each student will write and illustrate their own fable story book. The semester will culminate with Fable Day where family members will be invited to share in our publishing party.
Middle School Write On! (grades 6-8) 12:30pm-1:30pm
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Our focus fall semester will be response to literature and poetry. We will begin with learning to recognize and create a variety of literary/poetic devices (simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism). We will then apply that knowledge in annotating, analyzing, and responding to several super-engaging short stories and poems. Students will respond to literature in a variety of written formats, including poetry, character analysis, theme study, essay and short answer paragraphs. Responding to literature is an essential writing skill for all students and will be the main type of writing required from them as they move into high school and beyond.
Novel Study (grades 5-9) 1:30pm-2:30pm
$190 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
This interactive class is completely literature-based and fun! We read, discuss, and analyze super engaging, age-level appropriate novels. Each week the students will read and annotate focusing on various aspects of the novel including mood, theme, characters, conflict, literary devices, and personal connections. There is optional homework students can complete for a grade to prepare them for discussion, increase their critical thinking skills, and satisfy state curriculum requirements. This class is perfect not only for students who love to read, but for students who are resistant readers as well. All books will be provided and are included in the class tuition. Fall semester we will be reading two of my favorites, The Giver by Lois Lowry, and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. Come join us and READ ON!
Thursdays - Placerville Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 6831 Mother Lode Dr., Placerville, CA
Fun With Math (2nd-3rd) 9am-10am
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Fall focus will be on place value to thousands, including adding and subtracting with regrouping. Students will explore place value through engaging, hands-on, and higher-level thinking activities. We will build on their previous place value knowledge and move into regrouping, estimation, recording, problem solving, and addition and subtraction into the thousands.
2/3 Write On! ELA (2nd-3rd) 10am-11am
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
This semester we will be taking a trip around the world (without ever leaving the classroom)! We will be visiting six different countries and learning all about their language, animals, culture, and people. The plan is to spend two weeks in each country, learning essential vocabulary, reading informational text and cultural stories, and writing about each country we visit. We will focus on building interesting sentences, paragraphs, word choice, and practicing friendly letter format.
Elementary Write On! (grades 4-6) 11:30am-12:30pm
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Fall semester students will be creating and writing fables. Our focus will be on the five stages of the writing process as we explore plot structure, character development, dialogue, organization, and theme. Each student will write and illustrate their own fable story book. The semester will culminate with Fable Day where family members will be invited to share in our publishing party.
Middle School Write On! (grades 6-8) 12:30pm-1:30pm
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Our focus fall semester will be response to literature and poetry. We will begin with learning to recognize and create a variety of literary/poetic devices (simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism). We will then apply that knowledge in annotating, analyzing, and responding to several super-engaging short stories and poems. Students will respond to literature in a variety of written formats, including poetry, character analysis, theme study, essay and short answer paragraphs. Responding to literature is an essential writing skill for all students and will be the main type of writing required from them as they move into high school and beyond.
Writer's Workshop: The Five-Paragraph Essay (grades 5-9) 1:30pm-2:30pm
$180 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
The focus of this class is teaching students how to respond to a prompt and write an effective, organized, well-developed five paragraph essay. Throughout their educational journey (including standardized testing), students will be required to write well-developed paragraphs or essays on-demand. This type of writing is completed in-class, in a limited amount of time. On-demand writing requires students to develop the ability to focus a topic, provide relevant evidence, select an appropriate organizational structure, and complete the task within one setting. This class is designed to provide practical, step-by-step instruction in how to approach in-class prompts and successfully write clear, concise, organized, and creative responses in a timely manner. We will begin with tactics for writing well-developed paragraphs, and move on to five-paragraph essays. The class will follow a writer’s workshop model, with brief topical instruction, followed by individualized writing support.
Fridays - Church of the Foothills, 2380 Merrychase Drive, Cameron Park, CA
Beginning Writer's Workshop (2nd-4th) 9am-10am
$180 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
This exciting class will focus on teaching beginning writing skills and encouraging the love of writing. Students will participate in a variety of interactive, hands-on activities designed to increase their confidence, ability, and knowledge of the mechanics and art of writing. We will learn and practice everything from pencil position, handwriting, word placement, and spacing, to sentence structure, paragraphs, and punctuation. Join us and learn to LOVE writing!
Journalism/Newspaper (5th-9th) 10am-11am
$180 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
In this exciting class, students will become sleuths and reporters! We will learn and engage in the various aspects of journalism including interviews, research, investigation, article writing, editorials, photography, editing, publishing, reporting, and broadcasting. The class will work together to create a Foothill Learning Academy Newspaper which will be reproduced and distributed the last week of classes. Students will also get a flavor for broadcast journalism, as they script and film a news broadcast to be shown at the end of the year celebration. Class space is limited to 12 students.
Elementary Write On! (grades 4-6) 12:30pm-1:30pm
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Fall semester students will be creating and writing fables. Our focus will be on the five stages of the writing process as we explore plot structure, character development, dialogue, organization, and theme. Each student will write and illustrate their own fable story book. The semester will culminate with Fable Day where family members will be invited to share in our publishing party.
Middle School Write On! (grades 6-8) 11:30am-12:30pm or 1:30pm-2:30pm
$185 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
Our focus fall semester will be response to literature and poetry. We will begin with learning to recognize and create a variety of literary/poetic devices (simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, hyperbole, imagery, symbolism). We will then apply that knowledge in annotating, analyzing, and responding to several super-engaging short stories and poems. Students will respond to literature in a variety of written formats, including poetry, character analysis, theme study, essay and short answer paragraphs. Responding to literature is an essential writing skill for all students and will be the main type of writing required from them as they move into high school and beyond.
Writer's Workshop: The Five-Paragraph Essay (grades 5-9) 1:30pm-2:30pm
$180 per semester (Please order one voucher that can be redeemed monthly)
The focus of this class is teaching students how to respond to a prompt and write an effective, organized, well-developed five paragraph essay. Throughout their educational journey (including standardized testing), students will be required to write well-developed paragraphs or essays on-demand. This type of writing is completed in-class, in a limited amount of time. On-demand writing requires students to develop the ability to focus a topic, provide relevant evidence, select an appropriate organizational structure, and complete the task within one setting. This class is designed to provide practical, step-by-step instruction in how to approach in-class prompts and successfully write clear, concise, organized, and creative responses in a timely manner. We will begin with tactics for writing well-developed paragraphs, and move on to five-paragraph essays. The class will follow a writer’s workshop model, with brief topical instruction, followed by individualized writing support.