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Middle School Write On!

Welcome to all my poets!

I am excited to continue learning with you as we make our way through more poetry reading, analyzing, writing, and sharing. We will be using both video recorded lessons and interactive class meetings. Each week I will email you a link to one or the other. Be sure to continue doing your homework so you are prepared for class each week.

Week #1 : March 23 - 27

Summary and Information

This week we will learn about concrete poetry and study "The Mouse's Tale" by Lewis Carroll. Be sure to have your poetry vocabulary sheet, your poetry packet, and your homework from last week, including your analysis of "The Caged Bird" by Maya Angelo, with you when you join the meeting.

Zoom Meeting Options

All meetings will cover the same material and you can join any one that fits best into your schedule.

Wednesday, March 25th at 12:00 noon :

Wednesday, March 25th at 1:00pm :

Friday, March 27th at 3:30pm :

Other materials

How to set up a Google Docs Account:


Beginners Guide to Using Google Docs:


Week #2 : March 30 - April 3

Summary and Information

This week there is a recorded lesson. We will discuss two poems, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost and "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes. We will also define and learn about free verse poetry. Please have your Poetry Packets, Poetry Vocabulary Sheets, binder paper, and a pen or pencil with you before you watch the video.

Video Lessons

Your homework this week follows the syllabus for week 8. You will be writing a free verse poem using the photo you chose last week as your inspiration. Detailed instructions and prewriting sheet can be found under the Other Materials section below. 

Other Materials

Free Verse Poetry Handout:  

Week #3 : April 6 - April 13

Summary and Information

This week we analyzed Sonnet 27 by William Shakespeare and learned about iambic pentameter.


Recorded lesson:

Zoom Meeting Options

You will now need a password to join the meeting. Check your email for the password.

All meetings will cover the same material and you can join any one that fits best into your schedule.

Wednesday, April 8th at 12:00 noon :

Wednesday, April 8th at 1:00pm :

Friday, April 10th at 3:30pm :


Write one poem of any type 


Find one poem of your choice and analyze using the questions in your poetry journal.

Other materials:
Shakespeare Sonnet Handout:
Iambic Pentameter Handout: 

Week #4 : April 13 - April 17

Summary and Information

This week there is a recorded lesson. We review all the different types of poetry we have learned this semester, and introduce the "Alone Together" poetry project.​


Video Lessons

Week 4 recorded lesson:


Write two poems this week of any type you choose. The topic of your poems must be related to the "Alone Together" theme discussed in the video.​


Also, choose three of your favorite poems that you have written this semester and revise them and put them final typed form (unless impossible concrete poem :). Share them with me on google docs.

Find one poem of your choice and analyze using the questions in your poetry journal.

Other Materials

Poetry Types Handout

Week #5 : April 20 - April 25

Summary and Information

This week is a Zoom meeting. If you missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording:

Zoom Meeting Options

You will now need a password to join the meeting. Check your email for the password.

All meetings will cover the same material and you can join any one that fits best into your schedule.

Wednesday, April 22nd at 12:00 noon :

Wednesday, April 22nd at 1:00pm :

Friday, April 24th at 3:30pm :

Homework:   Write a reflection paragraph

Reflection paragraph instructions

Week #6 : April 27 - May 1

The final video lesson for Middle School Write On! has been postponed one week to give all students the chance to hand in their assignments. If you have not sent me your two "Alone Together" poems and your three revised favorites from the semester please do so as soon as possible. I need them to create the video.

Summary and Information

Week 6 recorded lesson:


Printable Poetry Anthology:

Video Lessons
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