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Writer's Workshop

Welcome Writers!

I am looking forward to continue working with you as we finish our narrative essays and begin writing argument essays. Each week I will email you a link to my video lesson which will follow the syllabus for the semester. Be sure to have your spiral notebooks and supplies ready before you watch the video. You will be sharing your writing with me for feedback via Google Docs. 

Week #1: March 23 -27

Summary and Information

This week we are going to review how to write conclusions for our narrative essays and the importance of revising and editing. We will also learn how to use Google Docs and put our essays into MLA Format.

Video Lesson

Week 1 video lesson:

Other Materials

Narrative Revision Checklist:


How to set up a Google Docs Account:


Beginners Guide to Using Google Docs:



Revise and edit your "first" narrative essay

Send Mrs. Frederick Your "first" narrative essay on Google Docs using MLA format

Week #2: March 30 -April 3

Summary and Information

This week will be your in-class timed writing. Please have your notebook, binder paper, pencil, and a timer ready before you watch the video lesson.​

Video Lesson

Your homework this week is simply to complete the 55 minute "in-class" writing and send it to me. If you hand write your essay, please take a picture of it and text it to me at 916-990-3494. If you drafted on your laptop, you can email it, or share it to me on google docs. Remember ....only 55 minutes, then stop and send it, even if you didn't finish! :)

Other Materials

Week #3: April 6 -April 13

Summary and Information

This week we begin the next genre of essay writing...argument or persuasive writing.

Video Lesson
Other Materials

Video Game Prompt:








Persuasive/Argument Writing Instruction Sheet


This week your homework is to choose one of the prompts discussed in the video, decide which side you will argue, download and print out the prompt, and highlight key words. Then print out and complete the correct Planning Sheet for your prompt and position. Take your time to thoughtfully completely fill out the Planning Sheet.

Week #4: April 13 -April 17

Summary and Information

This week we discuss how to write an introduction for an argument piece and begin drafting our essays.

Video Lesson
Other Materials

Guide to Writing an Argument Introduction

Week #5: April 20 -April 25

Summary and Information

This week we discuss how to write an conclusion for an argument essay and finish drafting, revising, and editing our essays.

Video Lesson
Other Materials

Guide to Writing an Argument Introduction

Argument Essay Editor's Checklist


This week your homework is to finish drafting the conclusion of your essay following the guidelines we discussed in the video. Then, revise and edit your essay using the checklist provided. When you are finished, share your essay with me on Google Docs ( 

Week #6: April 27 - May 1

Summary and Information:

This week is our final timed writing essay. Please only watch this video once you have completed the argument essay from the last two weeks.

Video Lesson:
Other Materials:

Timed Argument Essay Prompt

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